Saturday, December 22, 2007

Cutting Wood

My new project today required me to remove a LOT of wood by hand, and fortunately the wood was Quebec Yellow Pine and my gouges are sharp. At the end of the day I had almost filled a black rubbish bag with shavings, or should they be called 'cuttings'?

When I was a child, I used to enjoy sharpening pencils and smelling the cedar. Today I spent 7 hours removing wood and can recommend it as a therapy.

After many years of carving for a living, I still find this simple act fascinating.


India Hobson said...

Should you continue? Absolutely! I don't think it matters whether people are commenting or even viewing your blog, the notion and process of doing so is just as important. Much like a diary i think... also it's worth noting that you are only able to post a comment if you yourself have a blogspot.

Wooden Man said...

I think you can comment even if you don't have your own blog